Sept. 29, 2023

Nebraska Golf Hall of Fame

Hillcrest CC

Special Meeting

September 29, 2023


Call to Order at 10:02 by Jane Pohlman.  In attendance: Maggie Peters and Craig Ames via phone, Hap Gay, Virg Floodman, Susan Marchese, Charlie Borner, Jim White, Jane Pohlman, Allan McClure, Brad Penlerick, Craig Ames


Approval of minutes July 21, 2023.  Hap Gay moved, Charlie Borner seconded, minutes approved with one change: Susan Marchese is Selection Committee Chair and Jane Pohlman is the Nomination Committee Chair.


Financial Report.  Dick Beechner absent.  Allan McClure made presentation regarding our investment in the Vanguard Wellesley Income Fund.  Over the past ten years this fund has not done well.  Allan suggested we split our fund into 3 Vanguard funds ($24,000 each).  It was moved by Jane Pohlmann and seconded by Brad Penlerick to move the money into the three funds.  It was unanimously approved.


Hap Gay – Categories for HOF induction.  Update on website.  Discussion about the different categories and whether the plaques should indicate what category into which they were inducted.  Allan brought up Ned Hedges and whether a decision had been made regarding his nomination. 


Herb Davis III.  Still looking at the possibility of a scholarship option.


2024 Hall of Fame Banquet discussion by Susan Marchese


Nominations for 2023 Hall of Fame discussion:

Pat Duffy, Mike Krumland, Charlie Hadwick, Nate Lashley, Ryan Vermeer, Jeff Klein, Randy Jensen, Robin Krapfl, Steve Friesen, John Hurley, Dick Beechner, Heidi Stark, Ryan Nietfeldt, Chris Thomson, David Maurstad.

Dave Honnens: Should include more superintendents, namely Tom Athy.  Dave will contact to get a nomination

The following were placed for a vote: Under Player category: Pat Duffy, Mike Krumland, Randy Jensen, Heidi Stark, David Maurstad. 

Under Admin/Management: Bob Hillis, Dick Beechner, Tony Pesavento

The top 5 vote getters will be inducted. They are: Pat Duffy, Tony Pesavento, Heidi Stark, Randy Jensen, Dave Maurstad


Potential date for the banquet: Spring (first to middle of May). Jane will contact OCC about hosting the banquet. If they can’t then Happy Hollow Club would be the next choice


Old Business-none


New Business-none


Adjourned.  Motion by Hap Gay, seconded by Brad Penlerick, unanimously approved to adjourn at 11:30.


Respectfully submitted,


Jim White, Secretary


April 5th Board Meeting (Zoom)


July 21, 2023