Christie Schwartzkopf Schroff

Christie Schwartzkopf Schroff was an eight-time finalist in the Nebraska State Women’s championship, winning the title in 1969-70-71 and 73, while finishing as the runner-up in 1965-66-74 and 76.

She often met her mother, Dorothy Schwatrzkopf in the semifinals or finals during those years. Her mother, an inaugural Hall of Fame inductee, compiled an identical four win/four runner-up record in the state match play championship event.

Schroff started her golf career with the first of three Lincoln City Junior Girls championships in 1959 at age 10, and was the State Junior Girls champion in both 1962 and ’64.

The Lincoln native, who in 1987 was elected to the Lincoln High School Athletic Hall of Fame, earned her undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Nebraska. About the same time, she hung up her Attorney at Law shingle, she also hung up her golf spikes.

Over the years, Christie has helped her favorite sport behind the scenes as well. Among other things, she envisioned the need for a state women’s golf organization to involve more women, and was active in the reorganization, beginning in 1972, of the Nebraska Women’s Amateur Golf Association, now nearly 3,000 members strong. She also has been an advocate for equal opportunity for women in athletics.

Christie and her husband Cliff, who is an avid cyclist, are the parents of two daughters, Kaile and Hannah


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