October 7, 2022

Nebraska Golf Hall of Fame

Fall Meeting:  October 7, 2022

Hillcrest CC, Lincoln


Call to Order at 10:15 by President Jane Pohlman

-Members present:  Maggie Peters, Dick Beecher, Dan Bahensky, Hap Gay, Charlie Borner, Vergil Flodman, Brad Penlerick, and Troy Lorenz

- there was some problems with the ZOOM meeting attendees so we used phones to talk with Susan Marchese, Jim White, Allan McClure, and Paul Mohr.

- New board member Troy Lorenz represents the course superintendents.  He grew up in Omaha, played golf at Hastings College for 2 years, and then attended NU Turf Management.  Troy is currently the managing superintendent of the 12 Omaha public courses.  Welcome Troy!


Paul moved to accept the minutes of the April 29, 2022 meeting.  Dan seconded


Financial Report:  Dick Beechner

- Money Market acct. (VanGuard) is down about $5000.00 but all investments are taking a hit and there is $82,000.00 available in accts.

- Vergil express a concern if we should be “gambling” with donated money.  Keeping as is for now, waiting it out!

- Paul moved to accept the Financial report.  Seconded by Hap

- More discussion:

    - Hap suggest we put effort into increasing our donations, but we need a reason for people to give.

    - Vergil suggested 5 years ago to have golf courses join the HOF, get a plaque, add to it each year.

    - Suggested there be a link on the PGA and the NGA site to the HOF website.

    - Maggie suggested we offer a Hall of Fame Scholarship.  She and Jane will talk with Craig Ames

      and we could possibly link into the Foundation.  A reason for people to donate!

    - Susan suggested we send a letter to past Hall of Fame members for donations.  We will wait to send

      letters until we know what we will be doing with the funds.

Dan reported on the Tax situation: Because of market losses we do not need to worry.  Dan will contact NGA, Craig Ames about their 2022 donation talked about in April.


Old Business:

- Hap completed and corrected the bio of Bunny Richards

- The Kiosk idea will be put on the back burner for now


New Business:

1.  Hap presented the 2 options for website designers:  Square Space $3000 and Word Press $14,000.

   - Hap said Jen is willing to train for upkeep and the yearly fees are less.

   -After discussion: Dick made a motion to accept the bid from Square Space to build our website.

    Vergil Seconded   

2.  Nomination discussions:

   -  Susan needs all the nomination forms – Jane will deliver to her.  She will scan all information and

      somehow share it with the committee so they can read and prepare to vote in December.

   - By-Laws say we nominate at least 5 and vote for 3.  Herb Davis has 3 nominees and vote for 1.

   - Susan will update the nomination for Patrick Duffy, Randy Jensen, Heidi Stark,

     Debbie Conrey, and Robin Krapfl.  Maggie will update information on Bob Hillis, and send in a nomination for NWAGA.

   - We will have a December meeting to finalize and vote on the nominations for both HOF and Herb

    Davis Award


Meeting Adjourned.  Maggie Peters/Secretary Pro-tem


Special Board Meeting


April 29, 2022