Oct. 18th, 2024

Nebraska Golf Hall of Fame minutes October 18, 2024 

Jane Pohlman called the special meeting of the HOF to order at 10 am.  In Attendance: Jeff Holsten, Craig Ames, Maggie Peters, Hap Gay, Vergil Flodman, Jane Pohlman, Dan Bahensky, Tony Pesavento. Brad Penlerick and Kevin Thomas via phone. 

Approval of the July 12 minutes-Hap Gay motioned to approve seconded by Craig Ames. 

Introduction of new Board members- Jeff Holsten representing Central Seniors is a farmer near Gothenburg.  He also coaches high school golf and is an avid golfer himself. 

Tony Pesavento had previously served on the HOF Board representing the PGA.  Tony is head Pro at Omaha Country Club and a recent inductee to the Hall of Fame in 2024.  OCC has hosted two Senior PGA Opens and Tony was an important roll for their success.  

Dan Bahensky gave the financial reports.  There are a few things to figure out with the books, but Dan commented we do know how much money we have.  Financials approved. 

Craig Ames reported the Historical Committee had a zoom meeting discussing timing of the induction ceremony best if we could avoid the month of May and it was unanimous that every other year was best.  Craig is working hard on building a database of possible candidates for induction.  Historical committee would like to ad a female. He mentioned the nomination form was discussed and looked good with some spelling adjustments. Criteria was again addressed. The Board decided it best if the individual organization (NGA, PGA, NWAGA, Superintendents) write their own criteria, submit it to the historical committee. Craig will take on the project of writing over all criteria for selection to the HOF.  The historical committee will recommend a list of candidates forwarded to the selection committee.  The selection committee will then formulate a list for the Board to vote on by July 1st, 2025.  This will allow the Board to vote on candidates at the annual meeting held in July. 

Bylaws- Dan felt all adjustments had been updated.  The Board discussed additional updates.

All “special award” language will be deleted along with terminology language simplified.  We also need to rewrite the voting instructions along with a few other minor updates.  Jane will be writing a “Board expectation clause”.  

Mail merge of past HOF inductees.  Dan will forward in electronic format his lists which he believes was done in Excel to Craig for future use. 

Selection candidates briefly addressed.  Rick Shultz will be moved to current candidate list.

David Honnens also sent an email to the Board on his thoughts about induction candidates. 

Hap Gay updated they website for the banquet and golf pay sequence to make it smoother for future reservations.  Thank you Hap for addressing our IT needs! 

Vergil Flodman brought up that he speaks to people who have no idea of what the Nebraska Golf Hall of Fame does or didn’t know it existed.  He thought we should have a brochure printed or contact courses throughout the State.  Vergil will now sit on the Publicity committee to collaborate on his ideas to give the HOF more exposure in the State. 

The next HOF meeting will be April 11, 2025 Hillcrest 10 am.  Please mark your calendars it is important that you attend the meetings. 

Respectfully submitted,

Jane Pohlman



2025 Spring Board Meeting


2024 Committee Assignments