February 10, 2023
9:00 AM Nomination committee met (Jane, Craig A, Susan Marchese, JW)
All Nominees were discussed to bring recommendations to the full board. Those discussed included Pat Duffy, Jim Brownfield, Mike Krumland, Charlie Hadwick (Herb Davis), Nate Lashley, Ryan Vermeer, Jeff Klein, Randy Jensen, Robin Krapfl, Steve Friesen, John Hurley, Dick Beechner (Herb Davis), Heidi Stark, Ryan Nietfeldt, Scott Gutchewski, Bob Hillis (Herb Davis), Ron Moore, Rick Schultz
The Committee selected Pat Duffy, Randy Jensen, Bob Hillis (Herb Davis), Mike Krumland for consideration. Many others would have been given consideration but a nomination form had not been submitted for many of them.
BOARD MEETING: Called to order by President Pohlman at 10:07 am
In attendance: Jane, Susan, Craig, Brad, Charlie B., Hap G, JW, Virg Flodman, Troy Lorenz, Allan McClure (via zoom), Maggie Peters,
Approval of Meeting minutes October 7, 2022
Craig Ames moved, Troy Lorenz seconded, all approved
Financial Report-Dick Beechner, Treasurer,
$596, for a 3-year board liability policy
Balance in checking account: $7,942.22
Income: NGA $2000, Dan Bahensky $200
Expenses: $3861.60, biggest expense was for $3000 to Jena Maher (new website), $134 to Hillcrest for lunch, $256.80 to Redi Tec, $220.80 to Squarespace, and $250 to Jane Pohlman for reimbursement for website expense.
Balance of $73,339.92 (Van Guard Account) VWINX, Fund has a rating of 5 (highest). +2.86 this year, 5 year +5.67%. Low expense and no fee
Brad moved, Craig seconded, motion carried
Vanguard Investment, Allan McClure
Website Launch Hap Gay
Hap presented the new website to the board and answered questions. The Board discussed the need to have an overview on criteria for HOF nomination and for Herb Davis award. Nomination committee needs to review and finalize, then Hap will post on website. However, it was determined that only enough information would be given on the form to provide guidance to a nominating person as to what category their nominee would be considered, for outstanding service to golf (Herb Davis) or for their nominee’s playing career. Hap went through the workings of the new website. Discussion about past nominees from up to 30 years ago that had still not been voted into the Hall followed. It was felt they needed to be archived and if someone wants to re-nominate, they can do so by filling out another form. Most of the website is open to the public but some is password protected for Board viewing only. At the end of the website are several links to other associations that have supported the HOF. We want to keep those intact and add other state golf associations that want to be included. We would ask those associations to also link the HOF on their websites.
Motion by Maggie Peters, seconded by Hap Gay, that all nominations be kept private. This was unanimously approved.
Motion by Charlie Borner, seconded by Maggie Peters, that any nominees not voted in ten years after their names were first submitted, that they be archived. This was unanimously passed.
Old website goes dead Feb, 22nd, 2023. New site will go live as soon as ready, possibly within 2 weeks of old one shutting down.
The Board thanked Hap for all his work on getting the new website up and running.
Data base nominations Susan Marchese
From earlier meeting the Nomination Committee selected Pat Duffy and Randy Jensen as potential HOF selections and Bob Hillis for the Herb Davis Award. Ideally there would be three nominees for HOF and one for Davis Award.
Motion by Susan Marchese to suspend nominations this year until criteria is determined. Seconded by Charlie Borner. Unanimously approved.
Nomination Committee will meet and submit criteria for the board meeting next spring for approval.
Nominations for 2023 Hall of Fame discussion:
Pat Duffy, Randy Jensen, Jim Brownfield, Mike Krumland, Charlie Hadwick (Herb Davis), Nate Lashley, Ryan Vermeer, Jeff Klein, Robin Krapfl, Steve Friesen, John Hurley, Dick Beechner (Herb Davis), Heidi Stark, Ryan Nietfeldt, Scott Gutchewski, Bob Hillis (Herb Davis), Ron Moore
Old Business
Hall of Fame Scholarship Discussion-whether to do one or not. The decision to possibly award scholarship(s) was to give people a reason to donate to the Hall of Fame. After some discussion it was decided to “table” the scholarship for now.
New Business
Schedule Next Meeting-next May, exact meeting time to be determined.
Moved by Maggie, seconded by Jane, all approved. Adjourned at 12:15.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim White