April 5, 2024
Hall of Fame Zoom Meeting: Friday, April 5, 2024, 10:00 AM
In attendance: President Jane Pohlmann, Sue Marchese, Dan Bahensky, Maggie Peters, Dick Beechner, Allan McClure, Hap Gay, Charlie Borner, Craig Ames (late as always!!), Jim White, Brad Penerlick
Meeting called to order by President Jane Pohlmann at 10:05 AM
Minutes of previous: move to approve by Dick Beechner, seconded by Dan Bahensky, approved unanimously
BANQUET: Maggie Peters reported that as of today there are 107 reservations for dinner, 35 for golf. Hap Gay reported that the reservation process has gone fairly well. However, those registering were given the option to pay at the banquet which is something we will probably change going forward. Charlie Borner indicated that only 40 golfers were going to be allowed with tee times starting at 11:30 AM. Placques have been ordered and will be here in plenty of time. Omaha Country Club will be providing the easels.
Jane took time to thank Craig Ames for contacting all Herb Davis award winners notifying them that they were now going to be included in the NE Golf Hall of Fame. Bill Kubly posted his gratitude to the Hall of Fame for making this move.
It was decided that Jane will introduce all the groups teeing off in the golf portion of the Hall of Fame Day. Hap Gay suggested that any of the Board members in attendance take pictures and /or videos throughout the day and forward to him to post on the website.
New potential applications to Hall include Teresa Wanek and Tom Athy. Teresa’s nomination was submitted on 12/7/2023. Tom Athy had been previously nominated. Maggie Peters indicated that Tom will be submitting a new form.
New Business: Jane suggested that free dinners for Hall of Fame members be eliminated going forward. Most all have indicated they want to support the Hall and don’t have a problem paying for their dinners.
Old Business: Craig Ames asked about the Hoff of Fame scholarship that Herb Davis III had been approached about providing. Jane indicated she had contacted Mr. Davis multiple times and that he has not responded in some time. It was deduced that he would not be providing the scholarship.
Next Meeting: Friday, July 12, 2024 at the Hillcrest Country Club at 10:00 AM. This is tentative until Charlie Borner confirms.
Meeting adjourned by President Pohlmann at 10:50 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim White, Secretary