2024 Annual meeting
Nebraska Golf Hall of Fame Minutes Annual Meeting July 12th
Meeting was called to order at 10 am. by President Jane Pohlman.
Kevin Thompson representing Panhandle Golf Association introduced himself giving background information. We welcomed Kevin to the Board.
Motion to approve April 5, 2024 minutes by David Honnens. Seconded by Dick Beechner.
Motion carried.
Financial reports given by Dick Beechner, treasurer. Financials held for further review.
Maggie Peters gave a review of the 2024 banquet. 162 attended and evening went very well.
The Board decided to purchase 20 golf cart center pieces for future use at $25 per cart. (updated to $25 from $20, per Maggie)
Hap Gay reported on changes to website for banquet reservation to make it more efficient. Hap will update website with banquet pictures and ask for people to submit pictures to website.
Charlie Borner announced he would be stepping down from the Board for family reasons. He felt confident in the Board structure and who would replace him by the PGA. He also said Hillcrest agreed to continue to host the Hall of Fame meetings with lunch and free golf. We thanked Charlie for all his positive contributions to the Board.
Allen McClure announced he would also be stepping down as the Central Nebraska Senior Board member and a replacement would be coming soon. We also thanked Allen for his loyalty to the Board and wished him well. Allen turned 88 last week and said it was time.
Dick Beechner will also be going off the Board and remaining on Hall of Fame committees as an at-large member. We appreciate the knowledge Dick will bring to his assignments.
Dick said he is turning 90 but enjoys working with the history of the game.
Motion by Dan Bahensky, seconded by Susan Marchese-Motion carried by a Board vote for new three year terms for Board members: Craig Ames, Hap Gay, David Honnens, Brad Penlerick, Maggie Peters, Jane Pohlman, Susan Marchese, and Troy Lorenz.
The NGA replacement for Dick Beechner is Hap Pocras. We welcome Hap and his knowledge of the games history in Nebraska.
The slate for the Nebraska Golf Hall of Fame was presented and voted on unanimously.
President- Jane Pohlman
Vice President- Hap Gay
Treasurer- Dan Bahensky
Secretary- Jim White
Susan Marchese reported the selection committee had no new resumes.
Dan Bahensky and Craig Ames will mail merge their Hall of Fame lists so we can notify past inductees on future banquet induction ceremonies. The Board decided on eliminating banquet comps for past Nebraska Golf Hall of Fame inductees.
Criteria for induction was discussed and it was decided that Dan Bahensky would send out the draft he put together several years ago as a working document. Craig Ames, Chairmen of the Historical Committee intends to work on the criteria with his committee and Dan to have a proposed document for the October 18, 2024 meeting. Several names were suggested for Craig’s historical committee: Dick Beechner, Stu Pospicil, Charlie Borner, Hap Pocras, David Honnens, John Sajavic, Troy Lorenz.
We also suggested the Bylaws by updated to reflect our current mode of operation. Dan Bahensky will work with Hap Gay on revising and updating the Bylaws.
Next Board meeting will be October 18, 2024 Hillcrest Country Club at 10 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Pohlman