Lou Feuerstein


Honored in 2001

Lou Feuerstein of Fremont served the Nebraska Women's Ama­teur Golf Association for almost a quarter-century, with her most extensive involvement from 1986 to 1995 as a member of the NWAGA's executive board. She else is a past member of the USGA Regional Affairs Committee.

"It's been total involvement, on the club, state and national level, for Lou,"
says Dave Williams, longtime golf professional at Fremont Golf Club.
If you needed work done, she would be willing to help or even take charge for you.

Lou's first position with NWAGA was as historian, a position she
held from 1973 to 1995. In 1986, she was elected NWAGA Vice­-President
and served as President from 1988 to 1991. From 1991 to 1995.
She acted as executive secretary of the organization during some of its growth years.

For six years Lou served on the USGA Regional Affairs Commit­tee.
Locally, she was president of the Fremont Ladles Golf Association and
was the first woman to be elected to the Fremont Golf Club board of directors.


Frank Rose


Charlie Borner Jr.